
GM -07

25 July 2023 Hi , I am Shivani Veerabrahmam 3rd year dental student . This is online elog book to discuss my patient health data shared after taking his/her constent . This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio . The patient’s consent was taken verbally prior to history taking and examination of his/her condition.  CASE SHEET: A 55 year old male resident of Halia came with a chief complaint of pedal edema. CHIEF COMPLAINTS : Pedal edema ,Shortness of breath. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  Patient was apparently asymptomatic one month ago then he developed weakness and pedal edema. Pedal edema was of pitting type. Shortness of breath since 5 days which is of grade II and gradually progressive . Patient also had vomitings from past 3 days 2 to 3 times a day,which is non bilious and non projectile. Productive cough from 5 days intermittent during night time. Not associated with abdominal pain ,loose stools  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: No history of Hypertension, Diabetes

GM - 06

Hi , I am Shivani Veerabrahmam 3rd year dental student . This is online elog book to discuss my patient health data shared after taking his/her constent . This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio . The patient’s consent was taken verbally prior to history taking and examination of his/her condition.  CASE SHEET :A 55 year old male patient came with a chief complaint of loss of appetite. CHIEF COMPLAINTS :Loss of appetite, bloating. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Patient was apparently asymptomatic one month ago then he developed abdominal distension on consumption of alcohol which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive. Fever since 10 days - high grade fever associated with chills ,rigors, intermittent fever which reduces on medication, diurnal variation - more during evening and night  He is having burning micturation, abdominal pain, vomiting,loose stool. No cough ,no cold ,no shortness of breath  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS : No Hypertension No Diabetes Me

GM - 05

March 06 2023 Case 05 Hi , I am V.Shivani 3rd year dental student .This is online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking her consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 70 year old male patient came with a chief complaint of headache and slurred speech. CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Headache on left side from 15 days Difficulty to speak and slurred speech from 15 days Intermittent cough with sputum from 1 week HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Headache - Insidious unilateral headache on left side from 15 days ,the pain is radiating downwards to neck , dragging type of pain. Slurred speech - He had difficulty in speaking from 15 days, decreased fluency and intensity of speech. Cough - It is associated with thin sputum , intermittent and no diurnal variation . He is not associated with fever,cold ,nausea. PAST ILLNESS: No hypertension No Diabetes No TB No Asthma FAMILY HISTORY: NIL PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet - Mixed Appetite - Normal Sleep - N

GM - 04

March 04 2023 Case 4 Hi , I am V.Shivani 3rd year dental student . This is online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking her consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET : A 73 year old women came with a chief complaint of shortness of breathe and chest pain . CHIEF COMPLAINTS : Fever with overall body weakness 15 days back Shortness of breathe and chest pain ,shivering from 2 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 years ago and gradually developed weakness and went to checkup and diagnosed with Diabetes . She was fine till 15 days back and developed fever with weakness and diagnosed with kidney disease. After few days came again with shortness of breathe. PAST ILLNESS : Hypertension and diabetes from 15 years . Insulin was prescribed for diabetes , it is self administered by her. PERSONAL HISTORY : Diet : mixed diet Appetite : loss of appetite  Sleep : normal Bowel and bladder : normal Addict

GM - 03

February 27 2023 Case 3 February 27 2023 Hi, I am V.Shivani 3 rd sem dental student . This is online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking her consent . This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio . CASE SHEET : A 70 year old female came with a complaint of fever and cold . CHIEF COMPLAINT : Intermittent fever since 15 days Cold from 3 days associated with dry cough Cough is present since 2 days and it is occasionally seen. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : The patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days before,then developed fever 15 days back also had cold from 3 days associated with dry cough that is no sputum . Fever is intermittent it is reduced when medication is used . Patient also had body pains , non radiating chest pain. She also had knee pains . Blood test reports had shown decreased levels of haemoglobin. Patient has dry mouth and feels thirsty frequently. PAST ILLNESS: Hypertension - present since 30 years Diabetes mellitus - present fro

GM - 02

February 25 2023 Case 2 February 25 2023 Hi , I am V.Shivani 3rd Sen dental student. This is online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking her consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio . CASE SHEET : A 27 year old male came with complaint of weakness of both upper and lower limbs . CHIEF COMPLAINTS : Weakness of limbs from 1 week Severe squeezing type of pain in lower limbs from 1 week Shivers and numbness in lower limbs from 5 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back ,then he developed pain in both upper and lower limbs and had shivers. The pain first developed in feet and progressed gradually . PAST ILLNESS : No Hypertension  No Diabetes mellitus No past history  PERSONAL HISTORY : Diet - Mixed diet  Appetite - loss of appetite Sleep- normal Bowel and bladder - Normal bladder movement  No bowel since 2 days  Addictions - Alcohol occasionally  FAMILY HISTORY :  Diabetes - no Hypertension - no G

GM - 01

February 13 2023 Case scenario…… Hi, I am V.Shivani , 3rd year BDS student . This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent . This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET : A 83 year old women with chest pain . Chief Complaints : chest pain associated with postural movement (5 days )and shortness of breath. The patient had cough from 3 days but it is irregular. There is no burning sensation . HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Location - thoracic region Pain is radiating to the abdominal region. Aggrevating factor - sudden postural change Sometimes associated with dry cough. Patient also had dizziness at times . Associated diseases : Hypertension , Diabetes PAST HISTORY : Previously , the patient had 2 episodes of pain Patient had a stunt 1 month back PERSONAL HISTORY :  Diet - no proper apatite  Sleep - no proper sleep Bowl and bladder - normal Addictions - No FAMILY HISTORY :  Hypertension since 20 years Diabetes Mel